jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Spanish inventions

Write a report about an invention which was created by a Spaniard. Don't forget to use passive sentences. Your report must include the answers to these questions:
-What is the name of the object?
-Who was it invented by?
-When/where was it invented?
-How does it work?
-Is it popular today?
-Were there other similar creations before or after this one?
-Include image(s) and other relevant information.
Prepare an interactive presentation for your classmates or present it in front of your class.
There are some Spanish inventions in these links:

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Project unit 5: Making a healthy recipe

Write a healthy recipe following the model on page 60 in your book. It must include 4 elements:
1. Introduction
-When do people eat it?(in the summer time/winter/Easter/Christmas, etc)
-Where is it typical from?
- What elements does it contain? (fibre, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, etc)
-Do you like it?
-Can you prepare it? Is it easy?
2. Ingredients
3. Method of preparation(recipe)
4. Image

YOU WILL PRESENT IT IN FRONT OF YOUR CLASSMATES, so you can also prepare a computer presentation.
Have a look at this awesome presentation created by Marcos Aragón(1ºESO A)
Salmorejo recipe

Here you have some help: